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文件名称: 2021年pep人教版三年级英语下册Recycle 2教学设计
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2021年pep人教版三年级英语下册Recycle 2教学设计
A. Read aloud
Read aloud是个阅读故事,猴子、鸭子、大象、鸟四种动物来到了果园,看到了许多水果。小鸟说可以摘到葡萄。大象说自己很高大,可以摘到香蕉。鸭子觉得自己矮小,可以摘到草莓。四种动物把自己摘到的水果放到一起,猴子认真 地登记,发现没有香蕉了。大象因为喜欢香蕉,把香蕉独占了,同样喜欢香蕉的猴子可就不乐意了。整个故事涉及到了第三单元描述动物特征的句子:I’m big and tall. I’m short.第五单元学到的水果名称,以及表达对水果喜好的句子:I like bananas. 第四单元询问物品位置的句子:Where are the bananas? 还有第六单元的数字:thirteen, twenty. 一个小故事囊括了四个单元的重点知识,为学生复习、整理、归纳学习过的知识提供了一个良好的范例。在教学中要为学生设计可以综合使用所学知识的话题情境,使学生能够自己灵活应用所学的知识来进行交流,提高他们的语言表达能力。
1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:I’m big and tall. I’m ... I like ...
2. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型来进行交流。
3. 能够正确理解故事的意义,正确朗读故事,并能表演故事。
能够听懂、会说、认读句式:I’m big and tall. I’m ... I like ...能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型来进行交流。
2. 难点
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。
2. 动物头饰
Step 1 Warm up
1. 播放第五单元chant: Do you like grapes?
Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s chant. Listen to the chant first. Then say it together.
Do you like grapes?
They taste really good.
DO you like oranges?
No, but I should.
Apples, watermelons,
Strawberries, too-
I like them all.
How about you?
Step 2 Lead in
Teacher: What’s this? It’ an apple. Do you like apples? What’s this? It’s an orange. Do you like oranges? ...
2. 猜一猜老师喜欢的水果。
Teacher:What fruit do I like? Guess. It’s red. It’s small. It’s sweet. What is it? Yes, I like strawberries.
Yes, I like strawberries.
Step 3 Presentation
1. 给出特征,猜出故事中的主人公。
Teacher:Ilike strawberries. What animal do I like? Guess again. It’s tall and big. It has big ears. It has a long nose. It has a short tail. What is it? Yes, I like elephants.
2. 播放课文录音或视频,学生倾听或观看,描述另外几个角色的特征。
Teacher: Let’s watch a story about the elephant. He has some friends in the story. What are they? Are they big? Watch and find.
Teacher: Who can answer? Who is the elephant’s friend? Are they big? What do they look like?
Step 4 Practice
Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.
2. 根据课文内容提问,学生回答问题。
Teacher:Who can get the grapes? Who can get the bananas? Who can get the strawberries? How many bananas do they get? How many grapes do they get? Where are the bananas? Who likes bananas?
3. 自由读课文,分角色朗读课文。
Teacher:Read the story freely. Then let’s read it in roles.
4. 分角色表演课文。
Teacher: Now let’s act the story out. Let’s find the best team.
5. Bingo游戏。请学生在3×3格子写1—20数字里的任九个数字,顺序任意。教师随机喊出20个数字。
Teacher:The elephant gets so much fruit. Let’s play Bingo about numbers. Choose 9 numbers from 1to 20. Write them in the blanks. You can write them in order. And you can write them freely. I will say the 20 numbers in wrong order. If you find the number you hear in the blank, tick it. If tick be a line or a row, say Bingo. Then you will win.
5. 出示图片,请学生说出看到的数量。
Teacher: Look, how many bananas do you say? How many apples do you see? How many grapes do you see?
Teacher:Do a pair work. Ask and answer according to the pictures.
Teacher: Which pair wants to show your dialogue? Let’s find the best pair.
设计意图:通过水果和数字相结合,复习第六单元中关于询问和回答所看到的物品数量的词汇与句式。 先教师问,学生回,为学生做一个示范,再两人小组活动,让学生在问答中再现、巩固所学到的询问及回答物品数量的内容。
Step 5 Summary
How many do you have? How many do you see?
10 and 8 makes 18. Can you count with me?
How many do you have? How many do you see?
4 times 5 makes 20. Can you count with me?
grape thin pear eleven fat banana thirteen short fifteen sixteen
tall watermelon seventeen twenty small apple long orange
1. __________________________________________________________________
( ) 1. Where is the ruler?
A. It’s on the desk. B. It’s beautiful.
( ) 2. Is it in the boy box?
A. It’s under the desk. B. No, it isn’t.
( ) 3. Do you like pears?
A. Yes, I do. B. I don’t like apples.
( ) 4.How many books do you have?
A. I have three. B. I see twelve.
( ) 5. How many kites do you see?
A. I have three. B. I see twelve.
1. Three and ten makes ______________.
2. Eleven and nine is ________________.
3. Fifteen and four is ________________.
4. Six and seven makes ______________.
5. Nine and six is ___________________.
6. Two times three is ________________.
7. Three times six is _________________.
8. Eight times two is _________________.
9. Two times nine is _________________.
10. Four times five makes ________________.

一、1. grape, pear, banana, watermelon, apple, orange 2. thin, fat, short, tall, small, long 3. eleven, thirteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, twenty
二、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B
三、1. thirteen 2. twenty 3. nineteen 4. thirteen 5. fifteen 6. six 7. eighteen 8. sixteen 9. eighteen 10. twenty

Recycle 2
Read aloud
I’m big and tall. I can get the bananas.
Where are the bananas?
I like bananas.
Listen and draw; Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes
Listen and draw 是个听力练习。提供了一个特殊的卧室。在这个卧室里,西瓜是沙发,书是椅子。学生需要认真倾听,根据听到的句子里的描述,把水果画到相应的位置上。这个活动,既复习了第四单元中关于询问和描述物品位置的词汇及句式,也复习了第五单元中的水果词汇。 在听一听画一画之后,还有一个针对这幅图片进行寻宝讨论的环节。学生需要在上图中找一找地图、帆船、玩具车、香蕉在哪里,学生既复习了这些名词的表达,还要在交流中复习如何询问及表达物品的位置。此外,还要数一数地上的小鸟脚印有多少个,又复习了第六单元中关于询问及描述看到的物品的数量的相关内容。一个活动既训练了学生的听力理解能力,还训练了学生使用已知知识完成任务进行交流的能力。
Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes是经典的“梯子和蛇”的游戏,特别类似与学生爱玩的文化棋。学生掷骰子决定自己走的步数,如果遇到梯子,则直接上走一行。如果遇到蛇,则下降到蛇尾所在的格。先走到终点的为胜利者。这个游戏中提供了十四张图,内容是固定的,但学生可以自行选择句子、单词来描述图片内容,答案是开放的。只要所说的内容能够与图片相对应既算过关。这十四幅图复习了本册书的有关国籍、位置、数量、水果、特征、家人等几乎所有话题的内容,是一个综合性非常强的活动。学生可以在玩中复习整理全册书的重点知识。条件允许的话,也可以让学生自己总结本册书的重点,绘制自己的“梯子和蛇”的关卡,和同伴玩一玩。
1. 能够听懂、会说本册书中的重点词汇。
2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说本册书中询问国籍、位置、数量等的句式
3. 能够积极参与活动,并乐于在活动中使用英语。
2. 难点:
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。
Step 1 Warm up
1. 开始课程前,将学生分成四组,在黑板上为每组画一棵树。学生表现好时就为自己的组获得一个苹果。课程结束时,水果最多的组获胜。
Teacher: I’ll divide you into four groups. Each group has a tree. If you did well, I will draw an apple for you. At the end of the lesson, the group which gets more apples will be the winner.
2. 播放歌曲:An apple a day.
Teacher: Let’s sing the song together. An apple a day. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Step 2 Lead in
1. 头脑风暴。教师给出主题及首字母,请学生说出单词,答案可能不止一个。
Teacher: Let’s have a brain storm. The topic is fruit. The first letter is a. What do you know? The first letter is s. What is it? The first letter is o. What is it? The first letter is w, what is it? The first letter is g. Do you like this one?
Teacher: This topic is animal. It is tall. It has a short tail. What is it? It’s big and tall. It has big ears and a long nose. What is it? It’s brown and thin. It has a long tail. It likes bananas. What is it? It’s fat. It’s black and white. What is it? It’s tall. It has long legs and a small head. What is it?
Step 3 Presentation
1.展示listen and draw部分的图片,讨论图片内容。
Teacher:Can you see some fruit or animals in this picture? What are they? What else can you see in this picture?
2. 播放录音,学生根据录音内容画出相应的物品。
Teacher:Let’s draw something in this picture. Listen and draw.
Teacher: What did you draw? Where are they? Show me your picture.
Step 4 Practice
1. 找一找。请学生在图上找出指定的物品,说出它的位置。
Teacher:Look at this picture. Can you see some grapes? Where are they? Yes, they are on the table. Can you see a boat? Where is it? Is it under the table? No. It’s on the book.
Teacher: Do a pair work. Look and find. Ask and answer.
Teacher: Which pair wants to show your dialogue? Let’s find the best pair.
2. TPR活动,老师发出指令,学生边做出动作,边重复指令。
Teacher: Now let’s do actions together. Listen carefully first. Then do the correct actions. Put your book on your desk. Put your pencil on your book. Put your bag under your chair. Put you ruler under your book. Put your crayon in your desk.
3. 位置问答,针对上一环节中的物品进行位置问答。
Teacher: Now, where is your book? Where is your bag? Where is your ruler? Where is your crayon?
4. 游戏:梯子和蛇。展示教材68页的游戏图片,先讨论内容和方法,再进行游戏。
Teacher: You did a very good job. Let’s play a interesting game. Look at the picture. You should say something about the pictures. Can you see the ladders and the snakes? Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes. The student who finishes first is the winner. Look at this picture. What can you see? Yes, Mike is from Canada. What about this picture? Oh, you don’t like pears. Good. You can see fifteen pears. That’s okay. Now play in groups. Have a good time.
Teacher:Which team wants to show your game?
Step 5 Summary
Teacher: Now let’s count the apples of each group. How many apples do you have? Which group is the winner? Congratulations. Everybody, please be better next time.
( ) 1. A. father B. mother ( ) 2. A. thin B. ball
( ) 3. A. teacher B. sister ( ) 4. A. eleven B. boat
( ) 5. A. UK B. USA ( ) 6. A. long B. short
( ) 7. A. on B.under ( ) 8. A. big B. car
( ) 9. A. sixteen B. twelve ( ) 10. A. pear B. apple
( ) 1. The elephant has a _______ nose.
A. long B. short C. small
( ) 2. How many _____ do you have?
A. car B. ball C. crayons
( ) 3. I _____ like grapes.
A. am B. is C. don’t
( ) 4. _____ the cap in your bag?
A. Is B. Are C. Do
( ) 5.Do you like _______?
A. banana B. pears C. watermelon
1. I don’t like pears.
2. I like apples.
3. The boat is under the desk.
4. I have two books.
5. I see ten birds.
( ) 1. Who’s that boy?
A. He’s my brother. B. She is my mother.
( ) 2. Where are you from?
A. I’m a teacher. B. I’m from the UK.
( ) 3. Where is the ruler?
A. It’s my ruler. B. It’s under the chair.
( ) 4. Is it in your toy box?
A. Yes, it is. B. It’s on the desk.
( ) 5. Do you like pears?
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I do.
( ) 6. How many fish do you see?
A. I see fifteen. B. I have ten.
( ) 7. How many balloons do you have?
A. I see fifteen. B. I have ten.
一、1.√ 2.× 3.× 4.× 5.√ 6.√ 7.√ 8.× 9.√ 10.√
二、1. A 2. C3. C 4. A 5. B
三、1. A 2.B 3. B 4. A 5. A
四、1.A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B
Recycle 2

Where is ...?
It’s in/ on/ under ...
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