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文件名称: 2022年江苏兴化八年级英语下册第一次月考试卷
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一 积累与运用(22分)
1. 古诗文默写。(10分)
2. 根据语境作答。(6分)
这么多年,人们总是喜欢那些有着浓绿叶子的树,看着他们发芽,A( ▲ ),心也碧落落的充满了荫凉。而此刻,落光了叶子的树反倒表现出他劲美的姿态,他犹如一个不饰浮华的赤子,抖落了经行léi zhui( )的疲惫,远远近近,粗壮的,纤弱的,都是一样B( ▲ )的qiè yì( )。他们弃掉一季的负重,把那些内心泛黄的过往放飞,才有了下一季的自在丰盈。
繁茂  繁多  舒展  伸展
3.下面四个句子是郭沫若先生为徐州出土的古迹“银缕玉衣”题写的一首诗,排列顺序正确的一项是( )(3分)
(1)银缕玉衣今又是 (2)专赖民工字错金
(3)越王勾践破吴剑 (4)千秋不朽匠人心
A(1) (2) (3) (4) B(3) (4) (1) (2)
C(4) (2) (1) (3) D(3) (2) (1) (4)
4. 下列文学和文化常识表述正确的一项是( )(3分)
A. 《西游记》是清代吴承恩的作品,以唐僧师徒取经为主线展开叙述,赞美了他们不畏艰险、百折不挠的精神,是一部体现中华民族丰富想象力和创造力的小说。
B. 现代诗歌形式自由,意象丰富,具有高度概括性及浓烈的抒情性,如艾青《我爱这土地》中以“土地”象征祖国,抒发了真挚而深沉的爱国情感。
C. 《虽有嘉肴》和《大道之行也》都节选自《吕氏春秋》,《吕氏春秋》是研究中国古代社会情况、典章制度和儒家思想的重要著作。
D. “八百里分麾下炙”中“麾下”是军旗下面,指部下;“牺牲玉帛”中“牺牲”指祭祀用的纯色全体牲畜;“非丝非竹”中“丝竹”指音乐。
二 阅读(55分)
5. 用斜线“/”给下面句子断句。(限两处)(2分)
于 此 时 也 以 同 心 讨 贼 则 何 寇 不 灭 哉
6. 下列句中加点词的意义和用法相同的一项是( )(3分)
A. ①奉命使吴         ②使人之所恶莫甚于死者
B. ①有可贵者          ②潭中鱼可百许头
C. ①入则如归         ②太守归而宾客从也
D. ①可使孝起知之        ②忘路之远近
7. 用现代汉语翻译下面的句子,注意加点词的解释。(4分)
8. 下列分析不恰当的一项是( )(3分)
A. 陈震在公文里举献子的事例,意在引以为戒,提醒自己尊重东吴的习俗,由此可看出他态度谦虚、尊重别国。
B. 陈震最终与孙权“升坛歃盟”,这是因为他从东西两国关系出发,阐明利害,动之以情,表明讨伐国贼是大势所趋。
C. 选文两处涉及诸葛亮的言语,意在通过正面描写突出陈震的才能,同时表明诸葛亮对陈震的赞赏与器重。
D. 通过选文讲述的陈震出使别国的言语行为,我们能够从中感受他的人格魅力及古人的外交智慧。
9. 上阕中的“____▲____”和“____▲____”二字,是对将士们心理的深刻描摹。(2分)
10. 这首词抒发了词人怎样的思想感情?(3分)




(选自《“长征家族”新成员 揭秘长征七号A火箭的独特之处》《人民网》2021年3月12日,有删改)
(选自《让更多青少年仰望星空(科技视点)》《人民日报》 2021年2月22日,有删改)



17. 阅读文章,简要概括“我”猜测哪些因素使风信子迟迟不开花。(2分)

18. 在等待风信子开花的过程中,“我”的心情有怎样的变化?(3分)

19. 品析语言。(6分)




三 作文(63分)
22. (63分,含书写3分)

语 文 试 题 答 题 纸
3 4 6 8
一 积累与运用(22分)
(1) (2) (3)
(4) __。
(5) , ; ,

(6) , 。
(1)(2分)( ) ( )
(2)(2分)A B

二 阅读(55分)
于 此 时 也 以 同 心 讨 贼 则 何 寇 不 灭 哉







18.(3分)________ ________ ________
19. (1)(3分)




三 作文(63分,含书写分3分)

八年级 英语
考试时间:120分钟 分值:150分
2.考生答题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔,写在“答题纸” 指定位置处,答在试卷、草稿纸等其他位置上一律无效。
第一部分 听力(共两节,共20小题,每小题1分 满分20分)
第一节 听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
( )1. Which kind of Chinese culture is the man’s favourite?

A. B. C.
( )2. Where does Bob’s father work now?

A. B. C.
( )3. How does Jim usually go to school ?

A. B. C.
( )4. How much is the blue T-shirt?

A. B. C.
( )5. Where are the two speakers?
A. At the bus stop. B. On the bus. C. In Xihui Park.
( )6. What can we learn about the young lady?
A. She hasn’t got married. B. She has a sense of humor. C. She is very busy.
( )7. Why doesn’t Peter want to have pizza?
A. He doesn’t like the taste of pizza.
B. He likes sandwiches better.
C. He thinks it’s expensive.
( )8. What will Kate do at 3:00 o’clock this afternoon?
A. Have a piano lesson.
B. Play volleyball with friends.
C. Have a music lesson.
( )9. What has the man done many times before?
A. He has jumped over the gate.
B. He has swum across the river.
C. He has climbed the tree.
( )10. What has happened in the woman’s hometown?
A. There has been an earthquake.
B. There has been a fire.
C. There has been a flood.
第二节 听下面3段长对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和短文读两遍。
( )11. Why have Betty’s parents gone to Beijing?
A. To do some shopping. B. To enjoy the festival. C. To look after her sister.
( )12. What will Betty bring to Joe’s home?
A. Some dumplings. B. Some rice dumplings. C. Some drinks.
New York City
Things they have done They have seen the Statue of Liberty, the United Nations building and 13 .
Things they will do They will see a nice 14 tonight.
They will 15 on the last day.
( )13. A. Times Square B. Central Park C. Wall Street
( )14. A. show B. film C. match
( )15. A. rest at the hotel B. visit a friend C. go shopping
( )16. Where does Andy go hiking?
A. In the hills in the north-east of the city.
B. In the mountains in the south of the city.
C. In the mountains in the south-east of the city.
( )17. Who often goes hiking with Andy?
A. His classmate Timmy.
B. His friend Tommy.
C. His cousin Ricky.
( )18. When do the boys usually go hiking?
A. On Sundays from 8 to 11 a.m.
B. On Saturdays from 1 to 3 p.m.
C. On Sundays from 2 to 5 a.m.
( )19. What do the boys do to be safe?
A. They both take a map.
B. They take their mobile phones for help.
C. They only take short, easy ways.
( )20. Why is hiking good for Andy?
A. He gets exercise and enjoys nature.
B. He does not want to do his homework.
C. He can think about the problems that he has while hiking.
第二部分 阅读(满分36分)
Apps can teach you things or let you have fun. The following are some apps that you may use in your daily life.
Do you love to read? Do you wish that you could bring all of your books with you everywhere you go? Kindle allows (允许)you to do so. This app has over a million free e-books to download. With Kindle, you can read anything from comic books and novels to magazines and newspapers.
Calm is an app that can help you relax and sleep better. It has a lot of features to help you relax. For example, it has calming sounds like ocean waves and rain.
Sometimes the hardest part of exercising is getting started. If you want to get started, you’d better try RunKeeper. It is a good app that can help you exercise. Are you ready to start? If so, RunKeeper will always be with you.
If you don’t have enough time to read news stories or watch videos, Pocket can help you save (保存)all of them online. Then you can read them or watch them when you are free. You can view them offline, too. Besides, it can also help you organize(组织)the things you have saved.
( )21. How many apps can help you to read?
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
( )22. The app “Pocket” can’t help you to .
A. read news stories B. watch videos
C. organize the things you have saved D. relax and sleep better
( )23. Which of the following apps may help you exercise?
A. Kindle. B. Pocket. C. RunKeeper. D. Calm.
( )24. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The app “Kindle” can help you relax and sleep better.
B. The app “Calm” can allow you bring all of your books with you.
C. The app “RunKeeper” can help you organize the things you have saved.
D. The app “Pocket” can help you read stories or watch videos both online and offline.
Last summer holiday, Aunt Emily took us to a safari park(野生动物园), not far from Liverpool.
I was very happy to go as I had never been to a safari park before. It's a very interesting park, full of wild animals running freely.
When we got there, we bought our tickets and drove into the park. We were very excited at the thought of going to see the lions. But to get to the lion's place we had to go through the monkeys’ land first. And that was an experience because they climbed all over the car, ate apples and bananas, and threw all kinds of things at us. They seemed very unfriendly.
Anyway, we went on our way to the lions’ place where we had to lock ourselves in the car as we knew lions could be dangerous. A lion came up very close to us. The next thing we knew, it was on the bonnet (车盖). It looked calm but we felt terrified. Aunt Emily, who isn't very brave, started to call for help. The kids started crying. Only my brother, George, stayed cool. I sounded the horn (喇叭)but nobody heard us.
In the end a guard arrived in his car, and the lion just got off our car and started smelling the guard's hand as if nothing was the matter.
( )25. Which animal did the writer want to see the most?
A. The lions. B. The elephants. C. The monkeys. D. All of them.
( )26. Why did they lock themselves in the car?
A. Because the monkeys might steal(偷)things.
B. Because they were afraid of being robbed(抢劫).
C. Because the lions might be dangerous in the park.
D. Because something was wrong with the car.
( )27. What does the underlined word "terrified ” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A. Excited. B. Bored. C. Interested. D. Scared.
( )28. Who stayed calm among the visitors when they met the lion?
A. Aunt Emily. B. George. C. The guard. D. The writer.

Hi Vince,
It's been a while since we got in touch last time. How has your semester(学期)been?
I want to send you an email to let you know how things have been going during my semester abroad here in Malaga, Spain(西班牙). I’ve already been here for several weeks, and I feel like I am finally adapting(适应)to the culture. I'm also speaking the language better.
I arrived here on September 1st. The weather has been very nice. Even though it's October, it's still rather sunny and warm. In fact, I went to the beach and swam in the Mediterranean Sea(地中海)earlier today.
I am living with a very welcoming host family. I have my own private bedroom. We eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. On Sundays, we have a big home-cooked paella for lunch. In Spain, lunch is usually the biggest meal of the day. It's also very common for the people to take a midday nap(小睡)right after a big meal. I am actually just waking up from my nap right now!
On weekdays, I take classes at the local university. There, I met several native(本国的)Spanish speakers. They have been very kind and patient with me. At first, it was difficult for me to understand their Spanish, but now I understand most of our conversations. They say that my Spanish has improved a lot since we first met. Now, I am more confident 自信的)to use the language in other places like stores and restaurants.
I am so glad that I decided to spend the semester here in Spain. Tomorrow, October 12th, is Spain's National Day. We will have a five-day holiday. A group of my friends and I are going to travel to France for four days. It's so easy and inexpensive to travel internationally in Europe. I love it!
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Do stay in touch more often. Perhaps you could even come to visit! What do you think?
Best wishes,

( )29. Why is Alfred writing to Vince?
A. To tell Vince about his life abroad.
B. To share some information about the weather in Malaga.
C. To introduce the Spanish culture.
D. To invite Vince to visit Spain.
( )30. The underlined word "paella" in Paragraph 4 probably refers to _.
A. a dish B. a snack C. a plate D. a drink
( )31. How long has Alfred been in Spain?
A. One semester. B. About one month.
C. Four days. D. Nearly six weeks.
( )32. From the passage, we can know that Alfred .
A. swims every day
B. doesn't like taking a nap
C. has made great progress(进步)in his Spanish
D. often travels in Europe
( )33. Alfred thinks his life in Spain is .
A. tiring B. enjoyable C. difficult D. convenient(方便的)
Sally didn’t know what was wrong with her grandma. She was always forgetting things, like where she put the sugar and what time to have dinner.
“She might have Alzheimer’s disease(阿尔兹海默症),” her mother said. “We might have to put her in a nursing home(养老院)so that she can get proper care.
“Oh, that’s terrible! She’ll miss her own house!” Sally said.
“Maybe, but we can see her on weekends,” her mother answered. “We can bring her presents.”
“Like ice cream? Grandma loves strawberry ice cream!” Sally said.
The first time they visited Grandma, Sally wanted to cry. Grandma sat all by herself in the corner of the room.
Sally hugged拥抱)Grandma. “Look,” she said, “we brought you strawberry ice cream!”
Grandma took it and began to eat without saying a word.
“She doesn’t seem to know us.” Sally was upset. “You have to give her time.” Her mother said. But the next time it was the same. Grandma ate the ice cream, but didn’t say anything.
“Grandma, do you know who I am?” Sally asked.
“You’re the girl who brings me the ice cream.” Grandma said.
“Yes, but I’m Sally, your granddaughter. Don’t you remember me?”
“Sure. You’re the girl who brings me ice cream.” All of a sudden, Sally realized that Grandma would never remember her.
“Oh, how I love you, Grandma!” she said. Just then she saw a tear roll down Grandma’s cheek(脸颊),“Love,” she said. “I remember love.”
“You see, dear, that’s all she wants,” her mother said. “Love.”
“I’ll bring her ice cream every weekend then, and hug her even if she doesn’t remember me.” Sally said.
After all, remembering love is more important than just being able to remember a name.
( )34. What was the matter with Sally’s grandma?
A. She always felt upset. B. She ate too much ice cream.
C. She always forgot things. D. She put more sugar while cooking.
( )35. Why did Sally want to cry the first time the family visited Grandma?
A. Because Grandma didn’t like her present.
B. Because she thought Grandma was quite lonely.
C. Because she saw a tear roll down Grandma’s cheek.
D. Because Grandma was badly treated in the nursing house.
( )36. In Grandma’s eyes, Sally is .
A. a kind-hearted girl B. a cold stranger
C. an honest granddaughter D. a strict(严格的)nurse
( )37. According to the passage, we can infer(推断)that .
A. The family will take Grandma home to get better care
B. Grandma doesn’t love strawberry ice cream any more
C. Sally and her family visited Grandma three times a week
D. Sally doesn’t mind whether(是否)Grandma can remember her name or not
( )38. What is the best title for the passage?
A. The Great Power(力量)of Hugs
B. Food Is the Best Medicine
C. Love Can Always Remain in the Heart
D. An Introduction(介绍)to Alzheimer’s Disease
第三部分 语言运用(共五节,满分69分)
第一节 单项选择(共14小题,每小题1分,满分14分)
( )39.—Do you want to play ________chess with Dr. Zhong?
— Of course! He is my hero! I know he also likes playing ______piano in his free time.
A. an; the B. the; the C. /; the D. the; /
( )40. Nuclear waste(核废料)will cause bad pollution to the natural ________.
A. environment B. situation C. science D. condition
( )41. — Have you finished your report ________, Andy?
— Yes. I’ve done that ________.
A. yet; yet B. already; yet C. yet; already D. already; already
( )42. — Look at the blue sky! The rain ________.
— Let’s go out for a walk.
A. stops B. is stopping C. has stopped D. had stopped
( )43. The Greens ________in Paris and now they ________in China. They like China.
A. used to live; are used to living B. are used to living; used to live
C. use to live; used to live D. used to living; used to living
( )44. Melting ice (融冰) can cause the sea level to rise. Since 1993, the sea level has risen ________32 cm every 10 years.
A. at the end of B. at the foot of C. at the speed of D. at the bottom of
( )45. When Gu Ailing won the gold medal(金牌)in the  women's freeski big air(自由式滑雪女子大跳台)final at the 24th Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, we ________.
A. can’t stop to jump  B. couldn’t stop to jump
C. couldn’t stop jumping  D. can’t stop jumping
( )46. The drama series Minning Town (《山海情》)comes ________the story ________Wang Sanmao.
A. from; to B. from; for C. at; in D. from; by
( )47. Suzhou is famous ________its silk and ________a beautiful garden city.
A. as, for B. as, as C. for, as D. for , for
( )48. — She’s never been to Hainan, ________?
—________. She went there last week for the first time.
A. has she; Yes, she has B. hasn’t she; No, she hasn’t
C. has she; No, she hasn’t D. hasn’t she; Yes, she has
( )49. — When did your parents ________? — They ________for twenty years.
A. marry; have got married B. get married; have got married
C. marry; have been married D. get married; have been married
( )50. —How long have you lived in Suzhou?
—Two years. But I ________ in Shanghai for 5 years.
A. have worked B. worked C. am working D. have been working
( )51. —________is it from Urumqi to Lanzhou by taking high-speed railway?
— It's less than ________ flight.
A. How long; eight hour's B. How far; eight-hour's
C. How 1ong; eight -hours' D. How far; eight hours'
( )52. — The changes are good for people.
—________. I like the present transport, but I can’t stand the pollution.
A. Yes, I agree with you. B. No, you are wrong.
C. In some ways, I agree with you. D. No, I agree with you.
第二节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
Long time ago, there lived a king. He was irresponsible(不负责任的).He 53 cared about his country and people. All his people complained(抱怨)about this.
One day, the king went hunting in the forest. After some time, he felt 54 .He came to a lake. When he drank water from the lake, he saw a swan 55 on a big stone(石头)nearby. “I want to catch the swan!” he thought.
As soon as he held up his bow(弓),the swan was gone. 56 his surprise, he heard a sweet voice, “I am the swan. 57 you want to catch me, you must come to the wonderland(奇境).”
The king said, “Please 58 me the way to the wonderland!”
“Do good things for your people, and my messenger(信使)will come and lead you there,” the 59 replied.
With this in mind, the king dressed up and went out into the streets. He gave some 60 to a poor old man. After the old man 61 it happily, he began to chat with the king. When they talked about people’s life in the country, the old man became 62 and said, “Do you know why I’m so poor? It’s because of our king! He has done 63 for us.”
64 , the king heard the swan’s voice again. “Listen! It seems that you are doing something 65 only because you want to go to the wonderland. That’s not enough. You should always 66 all your people and be kind to them.” the swan said.
The king realized this was 67 . He became responsible and worked very hard. Finally, he understood that making his country a great place was like making a wonderland of his own.
( )53. A. always B. usually C. often D. never
( )54.A. full B. thirsty C. hungry D. tired
( )55. A. standing B. running C. swimming D. flying
( )56.A.On B. To C. For D. At
( )57. A. While B. As C. After D. If
( )58.A. ask B. invite C. show D. pick
( )59. A. sound B. bell C. noise D. voice
( )60. A. water B. time C. money D. swan
( )61. A. accepted B. interviewed C. borrowed D. returned
( )62.A. angry B. happy C. shy D. smart
( )63. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something
( )64. A. Luckily B. Certainly C. Suddenly D. Recently
( )65.A. boring B. interesting C. bad D. good
( )66.A. laugh at B. take care of C. keep away from D. give up
( )67.A. impossible B. crazy C. true D. wrong
第三节 任务型阅读(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Homestays are becoming more and more popular, and people around the world are offering their homes as hotels. Homestays offer cheap places to stay, and the chance (机会)for guests to see the area like a local. They are very popular with people who want to stay in another country to study or on holiday. We asked three families who run homestays to tell us about where they live.
The Atal family
Our family home is in a small village in the north of Pakistan, in the Himalayan mountains. The village is quite small and very quiet. The mountains are extremely beautiful. You can go for long walks and swim in the rivers but there are no shops, cinemas or cafes.
Kate and Julian Foxton
Our two-bed house is by the sea in the south-west of England. It is about five minutes’ drive to the nearest village of Portreath. There are lots of beaches, rivers and forests and it is very quiet. We spend a lot of time reading books, watching films and going for walks. Our area is great for sports like surfing, kayaking and mountain biking. However, the houses here are expensive, which can be a problem for local people. There are no buses or trains here, so it can be difficult to get around without a car.
Chafic and Aline Halwany
Our home is near the centre of Beirut, Lebanon, one of the largest cities in the Middle East. There are lots of cafes and restaurants, which open late at night. We love it here because it’s so friendly and you can always find what you need—lots of people come to stay to learn Arabic and French. However, it can be noisy at night, and there is quite a lot of traffic during the day.
Homestay holidays — A home away from home
68 Advantages(优点) Disadvantages(缺点)
The Atal family
(Pakistan) It’s in a small and quiet village in beautiful mountains.
People can 69 and swim there. There are no shops, cinemas or cafes.
Kate and Julian Foxton
( 70 ) It takes a short 71 to the beaches, rivers and forests by car.
It’s a good place for 72 like surfing, kayaking and mountain biking. Houses here are not 73 .
It’s difficult to get around 74 a car.
Chafic and Aline Halwany
(Lebanon) Lots of cafes and restaurants 75 at night.
You can always find 76 you need. There is much 77 at night and lot of traffic during the day.
68. 69. 70. 71. 72.
73. 74. 75. 76. 77.
第四节 短文填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Many foreigners move to China because of a strong interest in its culture. One man 78 (turn) his interest into love and this love made him write many books about China. He is William, an American who has lived in China 79 33 years, his Chinese name is Pan Weilian.
His Chinese friends 80 (call) him “Lao Pan”.
In 1988, Lao Pan 81 (one) came to China and worked as a teacher at a university. But Lao Pan did not begin to understand China until he and his family took a 3-month drive around the county. These experiences (经历) in 82 gave him ideas for his books. Since then he 83 (write) thirteen books about China. These books give the world a fuller picture of China and Lao Pan is proud (自豪的) of what he is doing.
Lao Pan’s new book 84 (include) his forty-seven letters to his family back in America. The letters show China’s development (发展) in 85 periods. Lao pan often says he loves China and 86 (it) people so much. He sees it as a life-long task 87 (let) more westerners know what China is like. He will continue (继续) telling the nation’s stories to the world.
78. 79. 80. 81. 82.
83. 84. 85. 86. 87.
第五节 同义句转换(共5小题,10空,每空1分,满分10分)
88. There was once a river in front of the village.
There be a river in front of the village.
89. Xinghua has changed a lot over the years.
There many changes in Xinghua over the years.
90. His grandpa died five years ago.
His grandpa has for five years.
91. Mr Li took a direct flight to Beijing several days ago.
Mr Li took a direct flight to Beijing day.
92. If you don’t have a ticket, you can watch the film The Battle at Lake Changjin on the Internet.
You can watch the film The Battle at Lake Changjin a ticket.
第四部分 写作(满分25分)
Great Changes in My Hometown
In recent years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. I have seen the changes myself.
In the past,

Now people are enjoying a comfortable life.
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